Business Fixed Rate Car Loan

Business Fixed Rate Car Loan

Business Fixed Rate Car Loan

Business Fixed Rate Car Loan

Smart financing to drive your business forward

With benefits and flexible repayment options, grow your business with confidence with Toyota Finance.


Car finance benefits for ABN holders

When it comes to picking a business car loan, Toyota Finance offers a range of benefits to help sweeten the deal. Purchasing a vehicle is an important step for your business, so we’re here to help make the process as simple as possible. As long as you’re an ABN holder, we’ll help you take care of the rest.

Toyota Personalised Rate Image

Toyota Personalised Rate

Long gone are the days of one-size-fits-all business fixed rate car loans. Using smart and sophisticated software, we will calculate an interest rate that’s personalised for you.

Choose any Toyota Image

Choose any Toyota

Select the Toyota that’s right for you from our range of new and used models.

Your business asset Image

Your business asset

You’ll have the certainty of knowing that your Toyota is an asset of your business, even while you’re paying it off.

Potential tax benefits Image

Potential tax benefits

If you are a GST-registered business, you could enjoy GST recovery and income tax deductions through depreciation.


How getting a Business Car Loan works

If you’ve decided that a Business Fixed Rate Car Loan is the best option for you, getting started couldn’t be easier.

Select your preferred Toyota Image

Select your preferred Toyota

New or used, purchase the car that’s right for your business.

Decide on your loan payment details Image

Decide on your loan payment details

Stay in complete control of what and when you pay back.

Put down a deposit (or don’t) Image

Put down a deposit (or don’t)

A deposit can be paid upfront to reduce your loan amount.

Talk to {} Image

Talk to Noosa Toyota

And start the application process!

What do I need to apply?

Before applying for a business vehicle loan, there are several documents you need as well as some identification. We have a checklist you can print to make sure you have the documents you need before you apply.

Fees that will apply

Establishment Fee - $395
The cost to set-up your approved loan with Toyota Finance. It is payable upon loan settlement, and can be included within the amount financed.This is referred to in your contract as your Loan Account Establishment Fee.
Vehicle Security Registration Fee - $6
The cost of registering Toyota Finance’s security interest in your vehicle on the Australian Government’s Personal Property Securities Register.
Account Administration Fee - $8/month
A monthly fee for the management of your loan account.

Dealership fees

Dealer Origination Fee - $979
This fee covers the dealership’s cost of preparing your finance application on Toyota Finance’s behalf.The Toyota Finance & Insurance Manager within the dealership is responsible for explaining the different types of finance products to you, and arranging all the necessary paperwork to submit, manage and finalise your finance application.


Check out Toyota Insurance products

Roadside Assistance

Day or night, we’ll be there if you need us.

Comprehensive Car Insurance

Cover your Toyota with a policy designed by the people who know it best.

Toyota Personalised Repayments[F6]

Long gone are the days of one-size-fits-all fixed rate personal car loans. Using smart and sophisticated software, we will calculate an interest rate that's personalised for you.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is eligible for a commercial loan?
If you are an individual, partnership or company who uses your vehicle predominately (more than 50%) for business purposes, you are eligible for a commercial loan.
What vehicles are eligible
All Toyota vehicles are eligible to be financed under a commercial loan. You may also be able to finance various accessories and options with your Toyota to meet your business needs.

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